Death Penalty is Unconstitutional (Stage 5)
People have killed one another since the very existence of humanity. Therefore, I see the act of punishing another by death as uncivilized. The Death Penalty has been around for many ages and it's something that must be stopped. The act in itself seems inhumane when you think about it. We're not wild animals. We're intelligent beings that are able to comprehend the fact that taking another life is not right. Not only that, but personally I think that the Death Penalty is a form of "cruel and unusual punishment" that is strictly prohibited based on the 8th Amendment. Therefore, this penalty can be seen as unconstitutional.
Another downside is the wasted money spent on the process of a Death penalty. We could be using that money for other forms of crime control but instead we focus it on a single individual and determining whether they live or die. Then there comes the other downside which is human error. Sometimes an innocent person is wrongfully convicted and thus is wrongfully punished. With the Death Penalty, there is no going back if there was a mistake determining the person who committed the crime.
I do understand that some people seek justice and turn to the Death Penalty for that. It might be that the criminal killed one of their loved ones. I understand the hatred they must feel towards that person, but we all need to stay strong and not go down to the criminal's level where we resort to killing someone. Justice can be achieved through other ways. We don't have to kill one another. We don't live in the past anymore. We don't have to practice such barbaric methods of punishment.