Friday, December 16, 2016

Response to "Guns and Politics in The United States"(Stage 8)

     I agree with my classmate's post on his blog, "Guns and Politics in the United States", mostly because people in general don't have necessary experience to handle weapons. Like my classmate stated, most people believe that they are able to defend themselves if they were able to carry a weapon on them. However, not everything goes out as you want it to. There are times when the person carrying the weapon to defend themselves, might not be able to shoot the attacker at the heat of the moment. A problem with that is, that you'll only bring attention to yourself and therefore expose yourself to even more danger. Let's say that the defender does decide to shoot at the suspect. It's not a guarantee that the bullet will hit. There's slight chance it'll miss and maybe even hurt another person because of the missed shot.

     My classmate also brings in another good point about people not having a successful attack on a mass of people because they are unable to receive a weapon. Here in the US, our mass shootings have taken the lives of many poor innocent citizens. If the killers were unable to have those guns in the first place, then we would have lost less lives or perhaps prevent any life from being taken away. One last thing I would like to add to the argument is the fact that most people, including myself would feel rather uncomfromtable if someone around them was carrying a gun on them. Even if they claim that it's for self defense, you never really know what could happen and to you, they're some random stranger that just happens to be close to you. Most people don't trust random strangers, so arguebly you wouldn't trust someone that well if they had a gun on them. At the end of day, I don't think it's worth the risk to allow citizens to carry guns

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