Friday, October 7, 2016

In the article, "USA Today Editorial Board: Trump is unfit for the presidency" published on USA Today on September 30, 2016,  the Editorial Board makes a clear argument on why Donald Trump should not elected to be the next President. The intended audience for this article would be those who are in favor of Donald Trump, and this article was made to change those minds to prevent someone as dangerous as Donald Trump from being elected. They present valid arguments and reasons such as Trump being erratic, prejudiced, reckless, and mentions how much of a liar he really is. Donald Trump has always been a liar and always changed his stances on many topics, making him unreliable. One key fact they present, is the fact that he has made some of the most ridiculous statements. He had it in him to mention the size of his genitals, and has even mocked a disabled reporter. The article presents many other examples which really shows what type of person he really is. The article then goes on to list all reasons as to why he's unfit, and does so excellently. It even talks about how they don't necessarily support Hillary but tell people who are voting for Trump, to reconsider. I definitely agree with this article; I would have never imagined he would get this far in the election. This article is worth the read and it effectively supports their arguments with facts and evidence that are used to attack him. It has a clear audience and the reason for the article is quite obvious, don't vote for Donald Trump but everyone is entitled to their opinions.

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